CAI calls on Canada to stand with Palestinian Civilians in Jerusalem and Gaza

Toronto, May 12, 2021 — The Canadian Arab Institute (CAI) stands with Arab-Canadians who are mourning the loss of Palestinian lives and who have been appalled at the forced displacement of Palestinians from their Jerusalem homes.

The CAI condemns the forced displacement of dozens of Palestinian families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in Jerusalem. This is part of a broader Israeli government effort to alter the demographic composition of occupied East Jerusalem and is in clear violation of international law and multiple UN resolutions. Palestinians have a right to peaceful protest and yet this past week we have seen hundreds of Palestinians wounded, including many children, and Palestinians arrested for exercising these inalienable rights.

This week, Israeli police and military opened live fire against worshippers in the Al Aqsa Mosque and adjacent compound during the most sacred time of the Muslim calendar. Israeli forces also prevented Palestinian Christians from reaching the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for Easter celebrations. The Israeli government must be held to account for these unlawful transgressions and clear violations of international laws. Moreover, all places of worship- Mosques, Churches and Synagogues- should not be targets of war, violence or military actions.

We are deeply saddened and horrified by the ongoing violent escalation taking place in Israel and Gaza and Lod. We give our deepest condolences to the 53 Palestinians, of whom 14 were children, and three Israelis killed by indiscriminate bombing. Civilians’ lives must be protected and their killing must be condemned. 

The occupation must end and is the source of tension and violence in Israel and Palestine. Canada must not aid and abet further violations of international law.  This demands bold, proactive and continuous diplomatic engagement from the Canadian government and international community to end the occupation and allow Palestinians to exercise the right of self-determination.

For further context, the United Nations has reaffirmed that international humanitarian law applies in Occupied East Jerusalem and that Israel’s actions to evict and dispossess Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah could amount to war crimes. Hence, Human Rights Watch and B’tsalem have recently described the actions of the Israeli government as apartheid.

The Canadian Arab Institute (CAI) is a national nonpartisan organization that focuses on issues and interests of the Canadian Arab community through research, policy, programming and community engagement. CAI celebrates and encourages Arab Canadians' participation in all social, political, cultural and economic aspects of Canadian society.


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