#YallaVote: A letter from Arab-Canadians to Arab-Americans to Vote in the 2020 Federal Election

We can understand how it feels to live somewhere where you don’t feel strongly for either political candidate. Indeed, there are many reasons to be critical of both American presidential candidates. However, Arab-Canadians believe that there are more reasons to vote. This election is much more than Trump vs. Biden; it’s about exercising your civic right to vote, no matter who you vote for. Arab-Canadians and Arab-Americans are a diverse community, from the colour of their skin, religious, ethnic and cultural backgrounds and social identity, to their political views.

But, what we have all faced is discrimination. Arabs have been depicted as brute murderers, religious fanatics, oil-rich dimwits or abusers of women, not to mention quintessential villains. Such degradation of an entire people ultimately leads to our dehumanization. Today, Arabs in the West are constantly required to face discrimination ranging from microagressions in the workplace to profiling at airports to white supremacists threatening our lives. We are told to either assimilate or go back to our home countries, but this is where we belong and must have our voices heard through elections.

It is time to correct this narrative and dispel the various myths and stereotypes that have long unjustly followed our rich and diverse community.We know that real change can happen when we come together, and so much can be lost if we don’t do every single thing in our power to ensure that we grow more than we regress. As citizens, one of our most powerful tools is our vote.

The Arab-American vote has the power to positively impact the global Arab community, especially the ones living in the MENA region. Voting is an act of power to let everyone know that we are not a population to be taken advantage of. We have electoral power at our disposal, now we should use it as our civic duty not just for the country, but also for the global Arab community.

And so, ‘Ali Sawtak and #YallaVote. 

To Americans living in Canada, the link here provides you with the simple steps to vote as an American living abroad! 

A message from the Executive Director, Director of Policy and Communications Lead at the Canadian Arab Institute, Shireen Salti, Jad-El Tal and Jasmine Hawamdeh.