CAI Recommends Changes to Citizenship Bill C-24

Thursday, May 8, 2014

TORONTO, May 8, 2014 – The Canadian Arab Institute met with The Hon. Chris Alexander, Citizenship and Immigration Minister, to discuss its analysis of Bill C-24 ( An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts) against Canadian constitutional principles of fundamental justice, equality and fairness. 

"We are concerned about the expanded provisions against granting citizenship and the revocation of citizenship,” said CAI President Raja Khouri, citing expanded powers, dilution of due process and the creation of two-classes of citizenship as factors that could have devastating effects on peoples' lives. 

The policy brief states that "reforms that are vague and that increase executive authority at the expense of rule of law can often lead to a host of new problems" that affect the rights of citizens and non-citizens alike. The brief makes a total of five recommendations, stressing the need for judicial oversight, a fair appeals process and protections against evidence obtained through torture or convictions made by foreign courts that lack legitimacy. 

CAI also met with opposition critics of the citizenship and immigration file, Lysane Blanchette-Lamothe (NDP) and John McCallum (Liberal). It expressed concern that certain communities in Canada, particularly Arab and Muslim Canadians, may be affected disproportionately by the proposed changes to the Citizenship Act.

Read the brief HERE


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