CAI’s response to Canada’s UN vote in support of Palestinians’ right to self-determination – Canada reclaiming its position as a global leader for justice and human rights for all

November 29, 2019


Toronto, ON: November 29, 2019 – The Canadian Arab Institute (CAI) is pleased with the Canadian government’s vote in favour of “the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination” (Resolution A/C.3/74/L.58) at the United Nations General Assembly on November 19, 2019.

We believe that Canada’s recent vote signals its commitment to the principles of fairness, justice, and respect for international law and human rights. Canadian foreign policy had long supported a two-state solution which includes the creation of a sovereign, independent, viable, and democratic Palestinian state. This realignment of Canadian foreign policy and values comes at a crucial time in the pursuit of Canada reclaiming its once-held global leadership at the United Nations, as highlighted in our most recent policy brief.

The vote on the right to self-determination marks the beginning of a major return for Canada after more than 15 years of voting “no” on 16 recurring resolutions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Among other actions taken by Canada over the past 15 years, this voting pattern contributed to weakening Canada’s position as a trusted and respected voice in peacekeeping, human rights, and justice at the global stage.

Canada is a great nation. A mosaic of people from more than 190 countries, Canadians pride themselves on being diverse, inclusive, and committed to transparency and justice at home and abroad. Canada is one of few nations that can boast that its values are not only spoken at the United Nations, but practiced and put to the test here at home.

Canada’s voice should be propelled to a level of global leadership, not only for the benefit of all Canadians in a deeply connected world of trade, business, and climate responsibility, but especially for the most vulnerable, many of whom still live in the countries that many of us came from. A stronger world is a stronger Canada.

This recent vote is one step in the right direction to strengthening Canada’s once strong multilateral bonds and reclaiming its international leadership reputation. Canada now has a new window of opportunity to resume its position as a trusted global leader. CAI commends Canada for this re-alignment of actions with its values and stated policies, and urges that it continues this trend in all international initiatives going forward.

The Canadian Arab Institute is a national not-for-profit, non-partisan "Think and Do Tank" that focuses on issues and interests of the Canadian Arab community through applied research, education and community engagement. CAI celebrates and encourages Arab Canadians' participation in all social, political, cultural and economic aspects of Canadian society.   The Institute strives to be the leading policy and research organization on domestic policies of concern to the Arab Canadians.

For more information, contact: Shireen Salti, Interim Executive Director, Canadian Arab Institute -


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