CAI response to disturbing images of the Prime Minister that have recently surfaced online

September 20, 2019


Toronto, ON: September 20, 2019 - The Canadian Arab Institute (CAI) has been profoundly disappointed by the disturbing images of our Prime Minister that have recently surfaced online. CAI acknowledges the Prime Minister’s apology.

CAI is proud of its diverse community, from the colour of their skin, religious, ethnic and cultural backgrounds and social identity, to their political views. Highly educated, entrepreneurial, and hard-working Arab-Canadians have contributed to this country for more than a hundred years. Most importantly, the majority of our community is overwhelmingly young and many will be casting their vote for the first time this federal election. At CAI, we try to do our part by encouraging our community to be active members of their society and to participate in all aspects of civic life. 
Many Arab-Canadians and other ethnic and racialized individuals continue to face challenges in how their workplace, society, and media portray this community. It’s our hope that we can use this moment to spur a national conversation about the importance of Canadian diversity – both within and outside the halls of power.

Unfortunately, racism, discrimination, bullying, Arabophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, homophobia and other Xenophobic behaviours, continue to be present in our society despite our treasured multiculturalism. We want all political leaders to inspire all Canadians to be better versions of themselves. Countering both persistent racism and misrepresentation of Canadian Arab culture is a vital part of building a more inclusive society. 
Now more than ever, we hope that all our political leaders and elected officials will do more than simply pay lip service, and instead act and invest in strategies that promote an inclusive, integrated and fully respectful society for all Canadians.



CAI is a national not-for-profit, non-partisan "Think and Do Tank" that focuses on issues and interests of the Canadian Arab community through applied research, education and community engagement. CAI celebrates and encourages Arab Canadians' participation in all social, political, cultural and economic aspects of Canadian society.   The Institute strives to be the leading policy and research organization on domestic policies of concern to the Arab Canadians.

For more information, contact:

Shireen Salti, Interim Executive Director, Canadian Arab Institute -


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